Response to Response
Dear R’Avrohom, Thank you for the thoughtful response to my post. Yom Tov begins shortly and does not allow for a full response, but I’d like to address two issues that you, and many...
Dear R’Avrohom, Thank you for the thoughtful response to my post. Yom Tov begins shortly and does not allow for a full response, but I’d like to address two issues that you, and many...
By Rabbi Michael J. Broyde Do you think that Agudath Israel supports the new Texas abortion law? Someone reading Rabbi Gordimer’s article “Sorry, Liberal Jewish Leaders – Judaism Is Not Pro-Abortion” would conclude “of...
Several years ago, I was sitting with an adam gadol – an internationally-renowned rosh yeshiva and posek, who said that he had just privately spoken on the phone with a man who confided that...
By Rabbi Yisrael Motzen She hadn’t spoken to her parents in twenty-seven years. Her siblings had intervened, her uncles and aunts had tried to reason with them, but her parents were adamant, their daughter...
People look for some sort of sign that Yom Kippur went well upstairs. I can’t promise that, but I did find one that leaves room for huge optimism. Some find it in a gematria...
A man once visited the saintly Chafetz Chaim and the sage asked him how things were going for him. The visitor responded, “Well, it wouldn’t hurt if they were a bit better.” “How can...
The name Julia Haart evokes different reactions in our community – all negative. Haart is the Kardashian-wannabe-star of the Netflix series about walking out of the orthodox world to reinvent herself as a successful...
Well, does He or doesn’t He? Hashem, that is. Does he show special favor to some or not? That question is placed by Rabbi Ami or Rabbi Asi (Berachos 20b) in the mouths of...
Impulse shopping for ice cream, as our scales will testify, is hardly uncommon. Maybe in this instance it was not so common, because I don’t really eat ice cream. Yet I found myself drawn...
Sefer Devarim begins with Moshe Rabbeinu’s recounting of the Jewish People’s history since the exodus from Egypt, through the years of desert-wandering. And our communal reading of the beginning of the sefer coincides yearly...
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