Author: Special to Cross-Currents
By Rabbi Michael J. Broyde Dear Rabbi Adlerstein, I always look forward to your posts on Cross-Currents, and “Yerushalayim Shorts” certainly caught my attention. The middle one, in particular, surprised me. You lament an...
[Editor’s Note: With trepidation and pleasure, we bring news of the commemoration of the 100th yahrzeit of one of the most incredible Torah figures of the early 20th century. The commemoration will emanate from...
by Rabbi Eliezer Simcha Weisz Rav Chaim Shmulevitz zt”l asked powerful questions during the Yom Kippur War: Why don’t we see awakening in prayer and learning despite the crisis of war? He concludes it...
by Rabbi Shaya Karlinsky The coverage of the horrors of the Simchas Torah carnage in Mishpacha magazine generated many letters to the editor. Some complained that showing the images (and they were quite benign...
Dear Friends, We have each other and we must treasure each other. For the nation that dwells alone and has had good reason to feel alone, Monday and Tuesday were days of incredible strength...
[Editor’s Note: It seems appropriate to gather some of the observations of English speakers here. BE”H, I will publish them as I come across them. If I don’t come up with enough, I’ll write...
by Reuven Ungar I The Remnant of the Sages- Pleitat Sofreihem In his monumental eulogy for Rav Chaim Heller, Rav Soloveitchik relates to the phrase “Pleitat Sofreihem” in the Shemoneh Esreh. Why doesn’t “Sofreihem” suffice;...
By Heshy Grossman and Dan Perry [Editor’s Note: The dialogue that follows is refreshing, given that too many folks these days are given to talking past each other, rather than to each other. The...
By Rabbi Akiva Adlerstein November 30, 2022 saw the release of Chat GPT, an artificial intelligence platform with mind-blowing capabilities, now available for free to the general public. With it, the once purely theoretical...
Realistic Orthodox Judaism Saves by Accommodation (Another Reply to Ben Shapiro’s article in the Jewish Press) by Rabbi Michael J. Broyde This article is an expanded and footnoted version of an article published in...
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