Category: Jewish Media

No Tolerance for Hooliganism

My thoughts on the obnoxious actions of a group of young Orthodox Jews at the Robinson’s Arch area of the Western Wall, and some of the reactions to them, can be read here.

The Vehemence Virus

You never know what sets some people off.  Back in 2015, when I dared to write that the U.S. remaining as a partner in the Iran Deal might be better than what might happen...


The Antisemitic Uneducated Jew

What groups like J Street, IfNotNow & Jewish Voice for Peace share in common is an unwillingness to seriously engage with Jewish history, Jewish ideas & Jewish texts. In short, they have little connection to anything authentically Jewish.

Sliwa’s Slurs… and some other stuff

You might find of interest Agudath Israel of America’s response to a deeply offensive and misleading speech delivered in 2018 by then-talk show host and current Republican mayoral candidate Curtis Sliwa. Video of the...

Chagrined by AOC’s Reaction

I have defended Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on a number of occasions in several public venues.  But I was chagrined by her reaction to the recent Hamas/Israel war, and express why here.

Malicious Misrepresentation

I have no beef with anyone who wishes to take issue with anything I’ve written.  But I do object to the publication of something that blatantly and irresponsibly misrepresents what I have written.  Like...

A Note from Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel

A Note About an Unfortunate Article August 28, 2020 By: Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel A number of people have called my attention to an anti-Agudath Israel screed that was recently published as an op-ed...

My Final Post on the “Open Letter”

And so the pilpul chaverim — and chaverim we are and will always be — goes on! But this will, bl”n, be my final posting about the much discussed (b”H) open letter about Torah...

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