POTUS and the Piñata

“Fire this ignorant teacher for inciting violence against our POTUS,” read one of the many overheated comments to l’affaire piñata (forgive the language cholent). “More indoctrination from the filthy left,” contended another commenter. On...


Will Haredim Soon Sing Hatikvah?

I didn’t think so either, at least not till the news broke that the official national anthem of the State of Israel will not be sung at a departmental graduation ceremony at Hebrew University....


Am I a Lonely Woman of Faith?

The Orthodox Union issued the most pro-women, halachically permissive statement ever. The secular Jewish press created their own narrative without looking at the context and the trajectory of the living and breathing Orthodox community. This is lazy journalism.


The Rav Lives – A Reply to Dr. William Kolbrener

Dr. William Kolbrener’s Lehrhaus essay Killing Off the Rav (So He May Live) employs attention-grabbing, sensationalist metaphor to argue that third-party depictions of Rav Yosef Ber Soloveitchik zt”l must be ignored in order for contemporary Jews...

Open Season on the Orthodox

The description of the scene fairly leapt off the page: Shabbos at the Kosel, people davening, a paraplegic in a motorized wheelchair, a group of Orthodox Jews approaching… “…like a big-league pitcher [one religious...

What Worked for Us (in Shidduchim)

  “Past performance does not guarantee future results.” I don’t own stocks, but am familiar with that disclaimer, required by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for ads peddling investment opportunities. It’s cited here...

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