Chumash Mesoras Harav – Bamidbar

The latest installment of the Chumash with commentary by R. Yosef Dov Soloveitchik zt”l is now available for purchase. Like its three predecessors, the volume on Bamidbar gleans from the vast oeuvre of the...

Mortal Etiquette vs. Immortal Truth

As you may have noticed, the first day of Shavuos falls on the fourth day of the week this year. Were any Tziddukim around today, they’d be unhappy. They held that Shavuos must always...

Mr. Berman’s Bubby

“An ugly chapter in voter suppression is finally closing,” declared Dale Ho, director of the A.C.L.U.’s Voting Rights Project. He was referring to the U.S. Supreme Court’s declining last week to judge a North...


The Changing Mind of Modern Orthodoxy?

Dr. Marc Shapiro’s new article Is Modern Orthodoxy Moving Towards an Acceptance of Biblical Criticism is the subject of much online discussion. In this article, Dr. Shapiro demonstrates that Orthodox rabbis are increasingly embracing various facets...

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