Author: Yitzchok Adlerstein
Our own Dr. Marvin Schick has published an article that should be read by all Orthodox Jews, all consumers of parochial education of all faiths, and all Americans who are suspicious of government designs...
Neil DeGrasse Tyson’s ill-timed tweet proved again that not everything that is thought should be said, and not everything that is said should be published/tweeted. Tyson thought he was being helpful when he pointed...
Is there a “Judeo-Christian” tradition, or is the very notion an insult to zealous believers in each of those two faiths? Is there a common platform of real substance, or was the idea invented...
I will say it straight out. The President should not have told members of The Squad to go back to where they came from. It is disappointing that he used language that – whatever...
It was with great sadness that the first bit of news to reach me after Shavuos here in Yerushalayim was the petirah of R. Nosson Kamenetsky zt”l. While some will remember him for the...
Torah is sometimes compared to wine, whose aficionados speak of different sensations at different places on the tongue. When Rav Soloveitchik’s thoughts (below) first hit my mental palate, they answered a question I had...
Listening to an old recording recently, I was taken aback by a statement in passing by of one of the participants. Kol kevudah bas melech penimah,[1] he opined, meant that women should keep themselves...
A few weeks ago, Rabbi Michael Broyde sent me an article he had written regarding his reaction to a question posed to him during his sabbatical in Israel: “So what do I think of...
An earworm is a tune that is so engaging, that it keeps going around your head. You can’t shake it loose, even when you want to. If there is an analogue concerning the seder...
You find yourself standing in a vast convention hall, larger than any you’ve seen before. A cacophony of different languages and dialects pounds at your eardrums, but the sounds are all happy sounds. Multiply...
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