A Tisha B’Av Message, Penned in Pain and in Hope
We write in anguish and frustration, responding to the images that we have seen, and the words that we have heard in recent days. We have heard the Kol Yaakov (voice of Jacob) used...
We write in anguish and frustration, responding to the images that we have seen, and the words that we have heard in recent days. We have heard the Kol Yaakov (voice of Jacob) used...
Wherein is described a proposal that can alleviate stress, make you happier, and help bring the geulah. Not bad for a Nine Days message. We’ve been told before that we need to be more...
“To our chagrin, our aggressive style and the curses and insults that are issued by our own people and media organs are a terrible malady. These things are the cause of tremendous damage in...
One of Rabbi Dr. Yoel Finkelman’s academic areas of interest is charedi culture. His comments are always incisive and challenging. He is as passionate about his DL part of the Torah world as I...
Klal Perspectives, the online journal of Orthodox communal responsibility, is proud to release its latest issue, on communal leadership infrastructure. Working with the editorial board of Klal Perspectives is time-intensive, but exhilarating. The five...
The situation in Israel resembles a playing field upon which multiple teams descend at the same time, each one playing by different rules. What spectators in the stands observe is utter chaos, frustrating in...
Mishpacha provided the American Torah world an enormous service in its special “sharing the burden” issue. A half dozen articles offered background, statistics, depth and context to perhaps the most difficult times that our...
Spending time with Natan Sharansky as I did a week ago helps one understand Avrohom Avinu. “Vayakam Avraham mei’al pnei meiso” – Avrohom arose from before his dead. Avraham did not take the loss...
A few days ago, a small number of Los Angeles clergy were invited to listen to Natan Sharansky present his compromise plan for the Kotel. (I hope to write more about that later.) Before...
Call them what you will — ultra-Orthodox Jews, “fervently Orthodox” Jews, Haredim, black hats. They will soon become the majority of affiliated Jews in the metropolitan New York area, and the religious majority in...
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