MItzvos and “Making It”
In aveilus, I do not listen to music these days. But there is ambient music in many places that can’t be avoided, so I try at least not to enjoy it. Which doesn’t usually...
In aveilus, I do not listen to music these days. But there is ambient music in many places that can’t be avoided, so I try at least not to enjoy it. Which doesn’t usually...
The voices of those purporting to speak for Judaism and Jews often take positions that embody the antithesis of authentic Torah values. It is immensely frustrating, does a disservice to the divine mandate that...
Anti-Semitism is far too serious a matter to be used as a partisan political weapon. Objectively, this administration is shaping up to be the most philo-Semitic since George Washington wrote his letter to the Jews of Newport.
(This article originally appeared in Times of Israel. I really did not want to engage these issues again for a long time, but I felt that a response was very much necessary.) Rabbi Soloveitchik...
This is not about the tuition crisis. There are prices we are asked to pay other than money. Consider this, from an interview with a major religious authority: People thinking about our engagement with...
Ever heard of Chartbeat? Assuming you answered no, well, neither had I, at least not until last week, when it was reported that the web analytics company released a new analysis of the reader...
The legacy of Rav Yosef B. Soloveitchik zt”l of RIETS has been an enigma for many. Those in Orthodoxy who rejected Rav Soloveitchik half a century ago were extremely wary and disapproving of his then novel...
“I rubbed my eyes; perhaps I was dozing.” Thus begins one of the first paragraphs in a very strange op-ed (February 15) by Mishpacha’s editor-in-chief Rabbi Moshe Grylak. With those words, the author expresses...
Mere days after senior Hamas operative Muhammad Hemada Walid al-Quqa blew himself up preparing a bomb, The New York Times noted, in a recent front page story about the Muslim Brotherhood, that “some of...
We’re not supposed to say it. But for many people it is true. They have their favorite parshios of Chumash, and their not-quite favorites. The latter begin, for some, this coming week. Nothing wrong,...