A Daily Dose of Kindness
On August 9, 2001, a suicide bomber detonated himself in the Sbarro Pizza parlor in downtown Jerusalem, killing or wounding over 100. Among those killed was Shoshana Greenbaum, a religious school teacher from Los...
On August 9, 2001, a suicide bomber detonated himself in the Sbarro Pizza parlor in downtown Jerusalem, killing or wounding over 100. Among those killed was Shoshana Greenbaum, a religious school teacher from Los...
This coming week is an explosively dangerous one for Israel. While many of us are very much aware of the possible consequences of the Palestinian statehood vote at the United Nations, it was not...
The Zionist Organization of America issued a press release last week noting some curious omissions from the Obama administration’s communications. Candidate Obama omitted any Israeli city from an enumeration of cities victimized by terrorism...
Shortly before Rosh Chodesh, I solicited reader feedback on seforim that helped people prepare in Elul for the approaching Yemei ha-Din. The results have made this perhaps the finest hour for Cross-Currents. The suggestions...
A friend and colleage has just been the victim of identity theft. I would appreciate any leads on how to address his problem – not just because he is my friend, but because this...
In the month-long run-up to the Yamim Nora’im, many people try taking themselves to a better place by studying some sefer that moves them. Sha’arei Teshuvah and Chovos ha-Levavos are perennial favorites. Some people...
Yehuda Levin, always humbly available to speak for G-d whether or not he has been asked, has determined the cause of the East Coast earthquake. Readers of the Huffington Post now have direct access...
I had to scan back in my e-mail to notice the blatant self-promotion in the Forward’s mailing from Friday: “Forward Got It Right,” referring to their coverage of the Crown Heights Pogrom of 1991....
As we contemplate our role in rebuilding the Beis HaMikdash, in this period of mourning for its loss, we each have to come to grips with sinas chinam (literally, free hatred), which Chazal identify...
None of the news articles mention that Naomi (Siegman) Zivotofsky and Alyza Lewin were college friends and classmates, part of an overachieving cadre that also included the Shalem Center’s Yoram & Yael (Julie) Hazony,...
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