Category: Short


How To Write A Proper Petition

Find attorneys who know the case, inside and out. Consult with frum attorneys, who know how words are taken by the people expected to read the petition, and what impressions about the Orthodox community...


How Not To Write a Petition

I received a few emails asking me to sign a petition asking for the release of Sholom Rubashkin for the first days of Pesach. Mr. Rubashkin has not yet been sentenced, and there are...


Agudath Israel Commends RCA Leaders

Upon consultation with its rabbinic leadership, Agudath Israel of America issued the following statement today: Hamodia reports that Rabbi Shmuel Goldin, First Vice-President of the Rabbinical Council of America, has clarified that the RCA...


The RCA and Rabbi Avi Weiss

Upon consultation with its rabbinic leadership, Agudath Israel of America issued the following statement today: The leadership of the Rabbinical Council of America and Rabbi Avi Weiss have apparently reached agreement that Rabbi Weiss...


Tolkien on Jews

The premier issue of The Jewish Review of Books arrived in my mailbox a few days ago. It is more than impressive in its scope and the quality of its contributions. I hope to...


Thirty Days Before the Chag…

we start our preparations for Pesach. For those within range, I will be offering another round of specifically Maharalian preparation for the next two Wednesdays, March 3 and 10. At 8PM on each of...

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