Category: Short
Hammering Hammerman
The irrational fear and loathing of believing Christians on the part of non-Orthodox Jews and their utter lack of reticence in expressing that loathing endangers Jews in America. The latest evidence: a screed attacking...
Trampling on the Kedoshim
For decades, Jews protested the misappropriation of the Shoah and its imagery. Frum Jews in particular were incensed by the desecration of the memory of the Kedoshim that occurred whenever others spoke of a...
Relief For Insomnia
As my kids were growing up, they would often drift out of the beds they had been consigned to, claiming inability to fall asleep. I was often able to suggest a cure, other than...
What Kim Jong Il Missed
by staying north of the 38th Parallel Kudos to the Ponovezh hanhalah for apparently understanding the implications of this exposure, and giving the camera crew not only access to what they wanted, but even...
The Difference Between Us and Them
The words are simple, but heartfelt. They speak only of the gifts that G-d gives us. The audience, completely secular Israeli, watches contestants on a kind of American Idol show for Israeli kids. Watch...
A Brief Question for Naomi Ragen
In today’s Jerusalem Post, Naomi Ragen “accused the plaintiff, author Sarah Shapiro of ‘working out of a desire to silence my criticism of the Haredi community’s treatment of women, which I have done for...
Sarah Shapiro v. Naomi Ragen – From the Verdict
The judge determined that the plagiarism legally constitutes “a lingering offense” due to the novel Sotah‘s numerous editions since its initial publication in 1992, and due to its recent republication and ongoing sale in...
Naomi Ragen Guilty of Plagiarism
A Jerusalem Court has ruled in favor of Sarah Shapiro, who wrote four years ago about her plagiarism suit against Naomi Ragen. Ragen is the well-known author of Sotah, Jephte’s Daughter, and other works,...
A New Weapon in the War on Abuse
Rabbi Yaakov Horowitz’s latest contribution to the war on abuse rises above all dissension and conflict. His Project Y.E.S., in conjunction with ArtScroll, has released a book for children that comes as close as...
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