Category: General


A glass gem instead of a diamond

16 bKislev 5767 “After the prince lost the first two diamonds that the king gave him, the king gave him a beautifully cut glass gem for the prince’s ring.” That is the parable used...


The El Al Boycott

If the morning’s news is to be believed, the threatened chareidi boycott of El Al for 18 flights last Shabbos will result in El Al entering into a legally enforceable agreement to never again...


Ahead to the past

Here is my sister’s travelogue from her recent visit to our mother’s birthplace in Berlin: I had to choose whether to fly with my husband and two of our boys to Berlin, or whether...


Jewish Action

A new issue of Jewish Action, – the OU’s glossy quarterly – hit the stands last week. A confluence of factors leads to this unabashed plug. Of course I’m biased. I’m on the editorial...


Avodah Zarah Matzah

Is this a knock-off of Hirhurim’s Great Shatnez Potato Chip (scroll down to Nov. 12 there) conjecture? Or is it real? If it is, do we start eating hand shmurah the rest of the...


Why We Are All ID Dummies

Oh dear. At least one can say in favor of this posting that it’s accurately titled. Beyond that, it reminds me how important it is, including for rabbis, to hesistate to express opinions on...

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