Category: General


A Grave Matter

by Rabbi Harvey Belovski I am enjoying the privilege of showing my eleven-year-old daughter around Israel and yesterday we spent the day grave-hopping in the Galil. We had a wonderful time, which both of...


Defending Jonathan Rosenblum

No, this is not a defense of THE Jonathan Rosenblum article, the one that decried the cavalier attitude that some in the haredi community display towards the way their less laudable actions will be...


Do Jews Defend their Civil Rights?

The following question and answer just appeared on our Jewish Answers web site, under the heading “Jewish Civil Rights:” Please tell me why Jewish people as a whole seem not to defend their civil...


So Intermarriage is a Bad Thing, After All

An alert reader tipped me off last week to this piece from the JTA: “Latest salvo in intermarriage debate suggests a split in Jewish community.” Steven M. Cohen, a prominent Jewish sociologist, has fired...



I am back from Calgary, having enjoyed myself more than I thought, and burdened with far more guilt than I bargained for. Scholar in residence gigs can go either way. Calgary being somewhat off...


Burning Issue — The Revised Version

At Agudath Israel of America, before taking a political or social stance, launching a new effort or offering educational material, we look to our rabbinic leadership for guidance. Although we obviously do not bother...


Why I Am A Boring Guest

by Rabbi Harvey Belovski What do the following four women have in common? · Andrea: management consultant, graduate of a seminary in Israel, summa cum laude graduate in business management, volunteer for a Jewish...


Is Everything a Jewish Issue?

The NY Jewish Week includes an article called “Mending G-d’s Garment.” The subtitle? “Synagogues attempt to save the earth, one compact fluorescent Ner Tamid at a time.” As you might expect, it’s about synagogues...

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