Category: General


A General Theory of Just About Everything

Now that recluse mathematician Grigory Perelman has proven Poincaire’s Conjecture, only a few longstanding conundrums remain to be solved. To name two: Why do Western societies inevitably tend towards appeasement? Why has anti-Semitism migrated...


National Unity in Palestine

Hamas, realizing that its sponsorship of terrorism and refusal to recognize Israel have placed the Palestinian Authority in desperate straits, will now be forming a “national unity government” with the Fatah party of the...


A Poignant Tribute

“Jameel” sent me a link to the tribute he wrote in memory of Nancy Morgenstern HY”D, who was at her desk at Cantor Fitzgerald on the 104th Floor when the aircraft hit World Trade...


Kangaroos in Switzerland

On September 18, the United Nations Human Rights Council will begin meeting in Geneva to consider taking action against Israel for her conduct during the recent war, once again turning the victim into the...


Also Sprach Zarathustra

You learn something every day. Yesterday I learned that Laurie Goodstein of the New York Times doesn’t daven shacharis (the morning prayer). How else could you explain what she wrote about the disappearing Zoroastrians?...


Israel’s Judicial Oligarchy Continues

Aharon Barak’s hand-picked successor, Dorit Beinisch, has been appointed the next President of Israel’s Supreme Court — to the great surprise of no one. This makes it overwhelmingly likely that the Court will continue...


Animal School

A short presentation every parent should watch, from Read the text here.


Davening on Planes

The incident aboard an Air Canada flight from Montreal on Friday may bring new meaning to the term “high dudgeon.” Was this an outrage at 35,000 feet? A chassidic man who spoke neither English...


Is Antisemitism Universal?

Yesterday, I posted on Jewish anti-Semitism This week’s parshah happens to be an important locus to consider regarding a different question about anti-Semitism, namely, how widespread must we assume it to be? I can...


Can Jews Be Antisemites?

A few months ago, I asked Natan Sharansky if he thought Jews could be antisemites. He looked at me like I had just claimed to be Elvis, emerging from a few decades of quiet...

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