Author: Special to Cross-Currents


Torah Unity at the Top

By Rabbi Reuven Ungar This past summer readers of Cross-Currents were priviliged to hear and view parts of the historic Chinuch Atzmai Dinner of 1956 (thanks to Rav Gordimer) and to read the message...


The Gift of a Lifetime

By Elizabeth Kratz My friend and Jewish Link colleague Jenny Gans and I have a few things in common; these are not by a long shot the only reasons we are friends, but these...


As Memory turns to History

In the span of less than two months, the Jewish people have lost two of its most renowned and articulate Holocaust survivors, Elie Weisel and Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis. Naturally, there is a personal loss...


On the Tightrope

On the Tightrope By Alexandra Fleksher On the tightrope, I walk. Slowly, hesitantly, eyes flitting to the left – a distraction. Brief glances to the right – I lose focus. I could very well...


Mixing Moshiach’s Cup

[Editors’ note: Chazal often spoke of mezigas ha-kos, the practice of diluting their strong wine with water. This first-person report allows us to imagine how Moshiach’s kos will be mixed with the tears of...


Holiness Does Not Have an Expiration Date

A single standard applies. Not just for one time, but for all time. It is not for the Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance (JOFA) or anyone else to redefine that standard, for the standard was put in place from the beginning. “You shall be holy for I, the Lord your God, am holy.”

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