My Final Post on the “Open Letter”

And so the pilpul chaverim — and chaverim we are and will always be — goes on! But this will, bl”n, be my final posting about the much discussed (b”H) open letter about Torah...

Thank You, R’ Avrohom

Thank you, R’ Avrohom, for responding to my question. (Hey, we might as well address each other directly, and just let others “listen in,” no?) I understand why you feel that my point #2,...

Truths Both in Theory and Application

I was gratified to see my good friend Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer — whose writings have always made me thankful for his pen — address the “Open Letter” that a handful of people, myself included,...


You May Be a Frum Boomer…

If you remember Tisha B’Av afternoon as the time that the standard fare was a shiur in the gemara of Kamtza and Bar Kamtza. No more. Today, it is our national movie day. I’m...

An Open Letter

Sinai, Not Washington An Open Letter to the Torah Community The unhealthy confusion of Torah values with politics brings disrepute to Torah and harm to Torah Jews. No party platform can substitute for our...

A Personal Note

Dear Cross-Currents Readers, I have been posting weekly columns here for several years, recently, reprinted from Hamodia and, more recently still, self-published. My column is now appearing in Ami Magazine, and my agreement with...

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