Category: Judaism


Moved to Tears

Well, not literally — but when I read the following comment to an earlier post, I did think about it. The topic then was a Slate magazine article which covered Ismar Schorsch’s “parting shots”...


Relativism Knows No Bounds

Many readers may have missed the following news item, which, to my knowledge, appeared in the JTA Daily News Briefing but almost nowhere else: Close to 50 Reform youth leaders urged the movement to...


Media Manipulation and Blogs

In an article on Jewish World Review this morning, Caroline Glick discusses the latest possible media hoax — Israel’s “attack” on a Reuters camera crew. You can read the details there, but in brief,...


Bride vs. Power Co.

Only in Israel gives us the story of Bride vs. Power Co. The next day he called and in a happy voice conveyed his best wishes for the upcoming wedding. He asked me to...


Why Conservative Judaism is Ailing

The above is the more polite title (the one found in the title bar) of an article that appeared yesterday on The title as found on the page is “One Mad Rabbi: Conservative...


Elul for All

With the beginning of the Hebrew month of Elul, the Shofar blasts sound at the conclusion of the morning prayers. As described by Maimonides, these blasts arouse us from the slumber and force us...


A Different Path to Tolerance

It was the Alter of Novarodok who said: “The accepted wisdom is that worldly people have this world, while the people of Torah have the World-to-Come. He who learns Musar knows that the worldly...


The Methodology of Media Bias

Last week, Rabbi Avi Shafran discussed media manipulation, comparing “a Reuters photographer’s creative Photoshopping of images” to various other forms of story-twisting — for example, the recent story asserting that an unaffiliated shul whose...

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