Category: Judaism


Why I Blog

If you followed media coverage of the recent hostilities in Lebanon, then you are probably familiar with the “fauxtography” of (ex-)Reuters photographer Adnan Hajj, and the blogosphere’s discovery and revelation of the doctored images....


Boychik of Summer

With the Arizona Diamondbacks’ shlugger Shawn Green set to join the league-leading New York Mets a few short weeks before the playoffs begin in October, I thought it timely to reprint a piece I...


Media Manipulation Far and Near

Much furor accompanied the exposing of a Reuters photographer’s creative Photoshopping of images from the recent Israeli invasion of Lebanon – and rightly so. Aish HaTorah produced a short film report on the deception,...


Rot Spreads

Is there a connection between the corruption and venality of the current government and its disastrous conduct of the war in Lebanon? Before jumping to answer affirmatively, we would do well to remember that...


Yisrael Valis: No Signs of Abuse

My friend and correspondent Moshe sent me the link to the testimony of Professor Yehuda Hiss, head of the Abu Kabir Institute for Forensic Medicine, now on Hyde Park. The most important line is...


The Orthodox Congregation That Wasn’t

The NY Jewish Week proclaimed last week: “Woman To Lead Halachic N.Y. Shul.” The NY Times says today: “An Orthodox Jewish Woman, and Soon, a Spiritual Leader.” It sure sounds like a story —...


What Are We Jews, Anyway?

In response to some of the comments about the cartoon that I posted about Friday, first appearing on the Volokh Conspiracy, a Jewish writer using the pen name “Caliban Darklock” first questioned — and...


“Hitler Would be Proud”

Eugene Volokh wants to know if the cartoon below is anti-Semitic, or merely anti-Israel as the editors of the Sacramento News & Review say it was intended to be. My take? As Rabbi Adlerstein...

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