Category: Jewish World

What Was Happening There

With a few predictable exceptions, media coverage of the mammoth recent Siyum HaShas at MetLife Stadium was remarkably positive. Yes, the New York Times tried hard to find some woman at the event who...

We Are Not The World

Chanukah is far from most minds these days, understandably. And yet symbols of the societal showdown that yielded its commemoration lie before us. In a particularly conspicuous “we run and they run” display, the...


The NY Times and the Siyum of Daf Yomi

In his pre-Siyum Hashas post which reprises his wonderful op ed piece in the Los Angeles Times, Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein makes reference to the coverage of the last Siyum, including a front page article...

Friends Don’t Let Friends Write Bunk

It is painful to publicly criticize something written by a dear friend. But improper public words require a public response. I have known Chanan Gordon for years and deeply admire his passion to bring...

The Small Matter of 1929

July 9, 2012 Parragon Books Ltd [email protected] To Whom It May Concern: I am writing as the public affairs director of a national Jewish organization, Agudath Israel of America, whose Education Affairs division services...


When Homer Nodded

Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein is widely admired and for many good reasons. I am a member of the chorus and almost always sings his praise. If this piece had been written two days earlier, the...

Dear Mr. Rahimi

Item: Iran’s vice president, Mohammad-Reza Rahimi, took the occasion of an International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking conference in Tehran to tell the assembled that the Talmud and “Zionists” dedicated to it...

A Fish Story for The Fourth

The other night I noticed something strange about one of the two “oscars” (Astronotus ocellatus) in my aquarium. I bought the fish years ago and it has grown from less than an inch in...

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