Author: Special to Cross-Currents


A Berdichiver Moment

By Dovid Landesman One of the more famous stories about R.Levi Yitzchak zt”l recalls his visit to the local marketplace. There he came across a wagon driver wearing tallit and tefillin, busily digigng the...



[from R. Yossi Huttler, Cross-Currents’ poet laureate] KePurim if in middle of night I cannot sleep may I disturb Your peace open Your book of remembrance read to You though I know You don’t...


The Real Story?

by Steven Pruzansky The controversy du jour deals with the high school girls and their tefillin, and it has prompted the usual litany of responses. Once again, what passes for psak in the Modern...


In Pursuit of Wisdom

by Yaakov Rosenblatt A couple of weeks ago, while visiting family in New Jersey, I picked up a copy of The Lakewood Voice (Dec 25), a hand-out magazine comprised of news and advertisements. The...


The iPhone and the Get

by Rabbi Yair Hoffman It is well known that the Gedolim of both Eretz Yisroel and America are rightly concerned about the devastating effects of exposure to pornographic images through rapidly developing technologies. And...

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