A Window into the Past

It’s barely visible. Taped to the inside of the front bay window of a neat, modest house on a nondescript street in Toronto is a photocopy of a spoon. The window, off the living...

Misguided Magical Thinking

We tend sometimes to lose ourselves in the turmoil of our efforts, and we begin to think, in the backs of our minds (or, worse, even in their fronts) that our actions per se directly bring about the results that follow.


What I Didn’t Tell Pat Robertson

My eight-year old granddaughter in Givat Ze’ev nailed it. She reacted to viewing clips of my recent television interviews with Pat Robertson and his son Gordon with two questions: What’s television? What are Christians?...

We Have Returned

We are glad to be back! We also hope that we have closed off possible venues of attack. If anything goes amiss, we will be seeking further professional help. All of this has cost...


Rabbi Simcha Shafran ob”m

As we resume publication, we note with sadness the passing of Rabbi Simcha Shafran, father of our contributor Rabbi Avi Shafran. Rabbi Shafran was to travel from Bialystok to the famed Novardok Yeshiva when...

Harassment, Hijabs and Hoaxes

Widespread reports over the weeks since Election Day of harassment and hateful graffiti aimed at minorities reminded me of something the legendary Agudath Israel of America leader Rabbi Moshe Sherer, z”l, taught me, the...

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