Faux Change?

When I took high school biology, the English Peppered Moth, Biston betularia, was offered as an example of evolution in action via natural selection. Ordinarily these moths are light and mottled, and almost invisible...


Change ‘R Us

Frustrated raconteurs like myself eagerly seize opportunities to tell a treasured story. I am, therefore, much indebted to Shawn Landres for his comments to Toby Katz�s post. They have given me all the excuse...


Has Orthodoxy changed?

One of the most ubiquitous canards used against the Orthodox is that we are petrified and don’t change, or that we are petrified of change. For a change, though, we are now being accused...

Our Naqba?

While Jeff debated with Rav Reinman the virtues of forced population transfers in Israel, I was at least equally troubled — at least initially — by the use of the Palestinian “Naqba” (disaster, referring...

Tongue in Cheek

R. Ballabon, My comment about NATO bombing us was tongue in cheek. In any case, Israel will not expel the Arabs, and if it does, the United States will not support the action. I...

Exceptional Circumstances

R. Yaakov, I’m not sure we disagreed. Of course Israel will be demonized – the point is that Israel is demonized regardless of what it does – short of overtly suicidal acts – but...



Jeff, I take exception to your taking exception. 🙂 1 – You are absolutely right. Anyone on the planet could do that sort of transfer, and has. The Jews of Israel, however, cannot. We...


Jumping to Contusions

Drive them all out in a campaign of ethnic cleansing as in Kosovo? I do not see Jewish soldiers dragging Arab mothers from their homes and throwing them into trucks. And besides, NATO would...


Peace and Pluralism

In a few days, I will be going away for two weeks, and Rabbi Yitzchak Adlerstein asked me to make a contribution to the blog before I go. Reb Yitzchak, your wish is my...


Arafat’s Heir

The CBS host this evening called it simply “celebrating, Palestinian style.” The noise in the background was unmistakable: machine guns firing almost at random. I wonder how many of their own were killed by...

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