R. Nosson Tzvi Finkel zt”l

Much of our mourning for R. Nosson Tzvi Finkel zt”l is an insider affair. It cannot be adequately shared with others. You had to have learned in the Mir, or had children who did,...

Beware of Orthodoxy!

The latest Nobel Prize for chemistry was awarded last month to Israeli scientist Daniel Shechtman for his discovery of “quasicrystals.” In the 1980s, the Israeli chemist noticed something peculiar as he examined a glowing...


Who Will Daven For Rachel Imeinu?

Rachel Imeinu always looms large and important in our prayers. More so than the other matriarchs, she is the iconic Mother of Israel, interceding in Heaven (Yirmiya 31:14) for the well-being of her children....


The Forward 50, Moving Backwards

I just had the opportunity to briefly review the Forward 50, which is their annual list of “Jewish leaders.” Their top “Five Who Mattered” are perhaps indicative of the contents: the head of a...

A Modern-Day Patriarch

The first notice, shortly before Rosh Hashana, came from “Tehilla.” The subject box of the e-mail read: “Baruch Dayan HaEmet/URGENT, YOSEF PASSED AWAY!” and the message began: “I can’t believe this rabbi. I can’t...


Celebrating Diversity

I was also at a Shiva this week — a member of our community lost his brother, who lived in Israel, after a long illness. Their family is from Iraq, and praying in his...

I ♥ THE U.N.

I love the United Nations. Yes, I know, the General Assembly was well and memorably described by Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu as a “theater of the absurd.” Actually, a better metaphor might be a...


Egypt’s Ban on Lulav Exports

I was feeling good about the Los Angeles Times publishing my op-ed about the Egyptian decision to ban the export of lulavim to Israel, and to Jewish communities world-wide. The upshot was a swipe...

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