Supreme Court: “Blatant” Bias

From Arutz-7: The Regavim Association has issued a report showing that the Supreme Court gives blatant preferential treatment to left-wing associations. Regavim, The Association for the Preservation of State Lands, conducted a four-year review...

A Note to Cross-Current Readers

On a number of occasions my attention has been drawn to the fact that some of my essays posted on Cross-Currents have elicited in their comments sections negative remarks about, portrayals of, or insinuations...

Concentric Circles

Precisely the intense empathy we feel and express for our “inner circles” enables us to feel genuine concern for those in more distant ones.


Emanuel and Beyond

by Doron Beckerman Yoav Lalloum is no newcomer to the anti-discrimination scene. His Noar Kahalachah organization was established in 2002 in order to eradicate the ongoing rejection and humiliation of Sefardi applicants to Ashkenazi-run...


How will we be remembered?

Recently, I attended a speech by the person to whom I invariably turn whenever I need advice. His subject was the human relations aspects of creating a successful organizational team. My friend drew liberally...

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