Roman Rite Leads to Jewish Thought

Roman Catholic rituals aren’t usually even a small part of my family’s Shabbat table discussions but a recent Sabbath meal was an exception, granted in the spirit of revisiting an ever-timely Jewish concept. The...


Better Than Sunscreen

“Advice is a form of nostalgia. Dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it’s worth.”...

A Well-Trained Seal

The article below, reprinted with permission from the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, was distributed by that news service to its subscribers. There is something ironic, to put it politely, about an effort championing ethics that...


Who Are We Kidding?

Among my other subscriptions, I am on the e-mail list of the World Jewish Daily, which collects news from various sources — in format, it’s probably most similar to the Drudge Report. Each day,...

Jewish Students Under Assault — Part III

In recent weeks, we have been contemplating the pressure and intimidation experienced by Jewish students on university campuses in North America from anti-Israel propaganda. In Part I, we discussed the diverse nature of the...


Telshe, Bin Laden, and the Congo

My day job in Jewish advocacy makes it easier for me than for most to implement the Hirschian ideal of bringing Torah to every profession, every occupation, every nook and cranny of the globe....


This Cellphone speaks Yiddish

In a surprising testament to the power of the Chassidic market, Partner Communications (Orange) is now offering a Yiddish cell phone. This is newsworthy for a host of reasons, especially considering that the distributor,...


Wisdom From a Miner

I met Luis Urzua today. Luis was the shift foreman of the trapped Chilean miners, and widely credited for maintaining the unity of the group through their ordeal. Several of us remarked to him...

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