Category: Morality



forty-odd years ago, heart transplants, too, were flabbergasting. But, at least to thoughtful men and women, they were never remotely as amazing as hearts.


The Mike’s Always On

The British election campaign just ended would seem an unlikely source for a Torah teaching moment, but there it was. One of the blows the Labour Party absorbed in the days preceding the election...


Preaching to a Very Mixed Choir

What do you tell a gathering of clerics, when they give you about a minute, and others can be expected to offer some PC drivel? Speaking at the World Summit Of Religious Leaders Forum...


Why the Antipathy?

This piece was originally written as a response to Rabbi Landesman’s of last night, but I think my point is important enough to be worth posting separately. I believe he has conflated two entirely...


Emanuel: Further Reading

Having now spoken both with “RG” and Rabbi Pesach Zaide, the latter being a very involved parent working with the Beis Yaakov HaChasidi of Emanuel, I have enough additional information that it’s worth an...


The Gym is Only a Metaphor

Returning from a successful run on the treadmill last week, I contemplated how much better I felt than when I dragged myself to the gym, after an early morning minyan. The most obvious reason...

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