Category: Jewish World


Jewish Intellectuals – Then and Now

Long ago the prophet foretold, “Your ruiners and destroyers will go out from you” (Yeshaya 49:14). In recent years, that prophecy has been most frequently fulfilled by Jewish intellectuals and professors. The 1961 Commentary...


Three Approaches to Dialogue

R’ Meir Soloveichik, always a source of food for thought, offers some gourmet nibbles in the current issue of Commentary (subscription only; not online). In what is ostensibly a book review, Soloveitchik offers some...


But If You’re Going to be Jewish About It…

Today’s mail included a cylindrical package from the Forward. In addition to a commemorative poster, said package contained the following “Dear Friends” invitation to advertise in their upcoming commemorative issue: As you are undoubtedly...


It’s the Effort that Counts

“Nothing can stand before the ratzon (will),” is a saying our children (or at least our sons) are likely to hear many times in the course of their education. That piece of wisdom is...


The Wonders of Leaving Observance

An alert reader caught it on Friday, but in case you didn’t get to see it, it was featured on the JPost all weekend: a celebration of the “former haredim who broke out of...


Blood of Life

That a recent book’s reported claim of Jewish ritual murder in the Middle Ages stirred considerably more commotion in the Jewish media than in the Muslim world may be a hopeful sign. Or it...

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