Category: Christianity


Stop Jack Wertheimer – I

Stop him before he writes again. At least that’s what they must be saying up in Morningside Heights in the inner sanctum of the Conservative movement, in the wake of his latest Commentary salvo,...


Sacred or Superficial?

Encouraged by a number of my congregants, my wife and I recently visited the impressive ‘Sacred’ exhibition at London’s British Library. Billed as ‘the rarest and most exquisite sacred books and manuscripts presented and...


Reciprocity and Specialness

Several readers of my recent post on interfaith conversations raised the issue of reciprocity. If we find that people are ready to listen to us when we share our Torah values and perspectives, is...


Three Approaches to Dialogue

R’ Meir Soloveichik, always a source of food for thought, offers some gourmet nibbles in the current issue of Commentary (subscription only; not online). In what is ostensibly a book review, Soloveitchik offers some...


Americans and Israel

The Slonimer Rebbe (Chanuka, pg. 38) observes that the symbolism of the approaching holiday of Chanuka includes the notion that illumination breaks through specifically from darkness. Both the community and every individual Jew must...


Jewish Action

A new issue of Jewish Action, – the OU’s glossy quarterly – hit the stands last week. A confluence of factors leads to this unabashed plug. Of course I’m biased. I’m on the editorial...


The Virtue of Struggle

There is something quite shocking about the Rev. Ted Haggard scandal. But it’s not what you might think. The allegations leveled against Rev. Haggard are obviously salacious, but in today’s world, unfortunately, they are...

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