Boruch Dayan HaEmes
With regret, we must share condolences with: The Herzberg family, on the passing of Arthur Herzberg a”h. Jonathan Rosenblum and family, on the passing of his father, Paul Rosenblum, a”h. Rabbi Joel Feldman and...
With regret, we must share condolences with: The Herzberg family, on the passing of Arthur Herzberg a”h. Jonathan Rosenblum and family, on the passing of his father, Paul Rosenblum, a”h. Rabbi Joel Feldman and...
Recent comments questioned why it is worthwhile to discuss the Conservative movement, and why the various Cross-Currents writers seem to be spending so much time on the topic. To answer the second question first,...
The Forward reports: Two sources familiar with the search for the next chancellor of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America told the Forward that the choice will be Stanford University professor Arnold Eisen, a...
As noted by Rav Yitzchok Adlerstein: Rabbi Yakov Horowitz, a respected educator and public figure, said it all.
Quinoa [pronounced KEEN-wah] looks like a grain, but comes from a plant related to spinach. Is Quinoa Kosher for Passover? The Star-K says yes; the Eidah HaChareidis says no [that article since archived here]....
Israel National News ran a similar story to the one on JPost that Mrs. Schmidt and Mrs. Katz referenced, but under the far more fitting title, “Study: Religious Girls More Comfortable With Their Bodies.”...
Another interesting outcome of the Israeli elections: a chareidi party is now the third largest in Israel (tied with Likud), with the chareidi faction quite close to Labor in size. All told, the number...
During past discussions here and elsewhere, several writers referred to what they perceived as a strict division between the Chareidi and Modern Orthodox/Religious Zionist groups, especially in Israel. One commenter said, for example, “Each...
According to the JPost, errors attributing votes to the right parties at several polling stations means that Labor will have only 19 seats in the next Knesset, with one more going to UAL-Ta’al. Labor’s...
There have been recent discussions here about both conversion of intermarried partners and decision-making within the Conservative movement; the two come together in a Baltimore Jewish Times Op/Ed this week, in which the Executive...
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