Author: Yaakov Menken


Rabbis easing rules on conversions?

According to the Miami Herald, “Now even Orthodox rabbis, the staunchest opponents of interfaith marriage, are exploring ways to encourage conversions.” Of course, as the article goes on to stress, the rabbis at the...


Zim in favor of Dubai Ports World

Here’s a footnote to my earlier post that I noticed yesterday, but only had time to post now: Zim, the large Israeli shipping company, has a good working relationship with Dubai Ports and has...



Someone has discovered Cross-Currents as an alternate media source — namely, some in the media. WGBH in Boston, a PBS station, produces a show called American Experience. Monday night’s episode is called “Hijacked,” and...


Consultation of Virtual Rabbis on the Rise

United Press International reports that the “ultra-Orthodox” (just love that pejorative) are consulting virtual rabbis more than ever. It’s not just the Orthodox — our Ask the Rabbi system fielded thousands of inquiries last...

Little Rock Police get First Rabbi Chaplain

Rabbi Martin Applebaum, of Synagogue Agudath Achim, has joined the Police department’s chaplain corps. Fewer than 1,000 Jews live in Little Rock, and Applebaum knows of only one Jewish police officer in Little Rock,...


Good Business, or Succumbing to Pressure?

The tag line reads: “Company succumbs to haredi pressure, decides to launch special cellular phone for ultra-orthodox users.” The news? The leading Israeli mobile communications operator, Partner Communications, decided that it wanted to do...


Exercise Your Brain

According to studies reported in Tuesday’s Washington Post, both mental and physical exercise are good for preserving the health of the brain. A research review published in the journal Psychological Medicine found that people...


Another Don’t-Miss Article

Evie Gordon, in the Jerusalem Post, addresses the violence perpetrated by the teenage protesters at Amona. One of the most troubling elements of the violence at Amona two weeks ago was the argument that...

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