Author: Yaakov Menken


Fisking Larry Derfner, Part I

Thanks go to two people for making this article possible — to Shlomo Nissenbaum for sending me the link to the Larry Derfner article, and to Ezzie Goldish for filling me in on the...


How to Stay Safe in the World Today

This was sent to me; I look forward to crediting the original author once I know who wrote it. 1. Avoid riding in automobiles because they are responsible for 20 percent of all fatal...


To Invigorate the Synagogue, Bring the Pastor

From the Religion News Service: PASTOR RICK WARREN TO MAKE FIRST-EVER APPEARANCE IN A SYNAGOGUE — Saddleback Church founder and best-selling author of The Purpose-Driven Life invited to Sinai Temple, following ground-breaking meeting with...


Secular Kids and Religious Schools

Several days ago, an observant Jewish writer who identifies himself by the nom-de-plume “Jameel Rashid” wrote a post on his blog (which he calls “the Muqata“) concerning the above topic. He sent an email...


Israel’s Courts vs. Judaism

Don’t be surprised. The same court system that has, for years, obstructed the city of Rechovot in its attempt to provide a home for Lev L’Achim and its Torah classes, now insists that the...


When Anti-Semites Implode

It’s a famous statement of the Torah: “G-d will wage war for you, and you shall remain silent.” [Exodus 14:14] We don’t always need to do the work ourselves; HaShem works for us. The...

Boruch Dayan HaEmes

Our condolences to the family of Mrs. Jackie Wein, a”h, who passed away this week. She was the wife of Rabbi Berel Wein, whose classes are featured on, and also the sister of...

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