Bad Times, Good Times

The third one, at least for me, did the trick. The third New York Times apology, that is. The venerated publication, as most readers know by now, not long ago published an overtly anti-Semitic...


Why Live in Israel?

A few weeks ago, Rabbi Michael Broyde sent me an article he had written regarding his reaction to a question posed to him during his sabbatical in Israel: “So what do I think of...

Make The Kosel Plaza Great Again

An open letter to Anat Hoffman Dear Ms. Hoffman, Many years ago, we shared a stage for a panel discussion about Israel and Judaism. But you are a well-known public figure and have appeared...


The Party of Bias and Bigotry

Her characterization of Jews as a secret cabal hiding its evil from a gullible world, using ill-gotten gains to buy influence and control, is by no means original. It is without question the single most dangerous, murderous lie in world history.

Orthodox Jews on the Upswing

A piece I wrote about the growth of the Orthodox community in Israel and the U.S. appeared at Fox today.  It can be read here. Have a wonderful Yomtov!

All The Days of Your Life

I often feel terribly pampered. Especially when I think of my parents’ generation. At the age when my father, z”l, and several others from the Novardok Yeshiva in Vilna were captured for being Polish...


An Earworm for the Seder

An earworm is a tune that is so engaging, that it keeps going around your head. You can’t shake it loose, even when you want to. If there is an analogue concerning the seder...


Who Deserves to be Our Hero?

You find yourself standing in a vast convention hall, larger than any you’ve seen before. A cacophony of different languages and dialects pounds at your eardrums, but the sounds are all happy sounds. Multiply...

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