PETA: Only the OU’s Approach Was Kosher
The only one who got the PETA thing right was Rabbi Zvi Hirsch Weinreb of the OU. I�m glad I finally said it. I�ve been wanting to say it for weeks, and didn�t have...
The Quality of Ideas
Greg (see Yaakov’s previous post) says: “Overall, this means a net increase in the quality of ideas and dialogue available, but I wonder how long before the censorship and stigmatization common to the traditional,...
Scary Thoughts
Greg, of the Presence blog, found us last week: Via Hirhurim comes Cross-Currents, a new blog featuring some heavyweight Orthodox Jews, in both the rabbinic and political spheres. Things are starting to get interesting....
‘Tis The Season (Part 1 1/2)
I couldn’t resist. My heart just bursts with gratitude. And to think I ever said anything mean about PCUSA head Clifton Kirkpatrick. His letter to President Bush must have been his Christmas gift to...
More fun with PETA or, how about this one?
PETA and the Epoch of the Messiah
Hmmm… I think R. Yaakov and R. Avi are on to something…maybe that’s what the Talmud means when it says that immediately preceding the advent of the Messiah “pnei hador k’pnei hakelev” (the face...
Rabbi Shafran Responds to PETA
Oops. Turns out that PETA was misquoting their own fearless leader. This, in the very same letter in which PETA proudly claimed that it “has never been duplicitous.” The Mishnah says that in the...