A Different Tune
After four years of the intifada, many of us continue to get hood-winked by the media, myself included.
I am one of those who does not refuse to acknowledge that our side is capable of making mistakes, and occasionally inflicting unjustified harm upon those it shouldn�t. Reading media accounts of the much-touted violin-at-the-checkpoint incident, I uncritically bought into the media account. Once again, one of ours had wielded his power unnecessarily.
Dumb mistake. None of us will know what actually happened, but we can learn why the Palestinian should have been made to play the violin, and why any other reaction on the part of the soldier would have been irresponsible. The analysis comes from a woman who learned in the most difficult way � losing a child in the Sbarro bombing. Read her thoughts at http://web.israelinsider.com/Views/4504.htm
Minimally, you will learn to give a bit more credit to the IDF.
I’m keenly aware of media bias against Isral, and I tend to hold suspect news stories that blacken her name. Regarding the IDF in particular, I approve of their training and skill to the point that I think they should be in charge of security at American borders and airports.