Two-Minute Penalty, Bradd

This week’s Baltimore Jewish Times talks about the blog, but the Cover Story is about Reform Rabbi Bradd Boxman, who joined Temple Har Sinai 18 months ago. He’s an avid hockey player, and he...


Cross-talking pundits:

In this debate between Shmuley Boteach and William Donohue, I’d say that neither comes off too well, but, in my opinion, Donohue – while there are certain points he makes with which I absolutely...


Mirror, Mirror on the wall…

The issues of how to assess the intentions and impact of other religious groups and whether and how to engage with them are critical issues and I am glad that R. Adlerstein is laying...


Say It Ain’t So, Joe

A Catholic aquaintance just couldn’t believe that L’Osservatore Romano, a Vatican newspaper, could have been so obtuse and mean-spirited as to criticize Israel for offering IDF field hospitals to Sri Lanka. She was right....


‘Tis the Season (Part Two)

A few days ago, I threw out the idea that the adoption of divestment motions by mainline churches is a greater threat to Jewish interests than PETA�s challenge to shechita. The former introduces the...


Blogging and Loshon Hora (Gossip)

The Jewish Times article (dicussed below) talks about our blog and the perceived media bias against observant Jewry, but also talks about the inherent conflict between journalism and Judaism. It is difficult to be...


Black and White

David Klinghoffer on black and white and shades of gray…Personally, I think I disagree. I think it is is all black and white, you just have to get really close to distinguish the pixels.


Women Too!

“Orthodoxy and The Blog” is the title of an article about Cross-Currents, appearing in this week’s edition of the Baltimore Jewish Times. It’s a good article! I do not recall saying that the blog...


Looking Ahead:

Okay – so here’s the idea – Every year, the excellent bloggers at National Review Online’s “The Corner” issue predictions for the year to come. At the end of the year, their predictions are...

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