AOC’s Unconcern With Jewish Lives

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez offered an apology last Friday, but it was the wrong one. She had decided at the last minute to vote “present” instead of “no” on a resolution to provide  $1 billion...


Response to Response

Dear R’Avrohom, Thank you for the thoughtful response to my post. Yom Tov begins shortly and does not allow for a full response, but I’d like to address two issues that you, and many...

V’zos Habracha – Spacewarps

A Roman emperor, according to a Midrashic account (Sifri, Devarim 357), sent two army units to find Moshe Rabbeinu’s burial site. When they stood above it on a hill, they saw it below. When...


As Good an Omen as it Gets

People look for some sort of sign that Yom Kippur went well upstairs. I can’t promise that, but I did find one that leaves room for huge optimism. Some find it in a gematria...

Haazinu – Not Bad But Best

A man once visited the saintly Chafetz Chaim and the sage asked him how things were going for him. The visitor responded, “Well, it wouldn’t hurt if they were a bit better.” “How can...

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