Category: Short



[from R. Yossi Huttler, Cross-Currents’ poet laureate] KePurim if in middle of night I cannot sleep may I disturb Your peace open Your book of remembrance read to You though I know You don’t...

Much Ado About “Ultra”

The Forward recently published an article of mine about the term “Ultra-Orthodox.” You can read it here . A response to it, by Professor Samuel Heilman, is here . And, finally, a rejoinder is...


Vive la Différence

When MK David Rotem, of the Yisrael Beytenu party, said that the Reform movement is “another Jewish religion,” and then added that the Charedim [which Times of Israel translates as “ultra-Orthodox,” but I have...


Phyllis Chesler Supports W4W?

Women For the Wall seems to have caught a leading member of WOW being too honest once again. Phyllis Chesler was a founder of WOW and now is part of the “Original WOW” that...


Why I Don’t Write More Often

I should feel complimented that I get email all the time asking why I haven’t commented yet about this or that important story. The simple answer is that I don’t like to write unless...


Who, Really, Are the Orthodox?

It’s rare that I simply refer to another article, but “I am Orthodox, and Orthodox is me” speaks for itself. I think the piece is stronger because the writer is both relatively unknown, and...

A Note of No Great Consequence

Over the years I have written a few short stories and poems, only one of which I have shared with the public (in a book I published in 1981). I’ve decided to post some...


Cross-Currents Live!

In a manner of speaking. And only if you have Pesach free, and some discretionary funds available, and a spouse who really wants to go. In other words, if you really want to argue...

Where Are The Red Carpets?

The letter below appears in today’s (Jan 2) New York Times: To the Editor: I’m neither an “Israel right or wrong” person nor a supporter of what has come to be called “the Palestinian...

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