Category: Religion


Emmanuel Sidebar

The below, by Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel, Agudath Israel of America’s executive vice president, appears in Hamodia as a sidebar to a larger report on the Emmanuel school situation In 1922, Oregon voters passed...


Statement of the Jerusalem Beis Din

Late yesterday the news services were abuzz with news of a possible settlement in L’Affaire Emmanuel, with the news that Yoav Lallum had signed an arbitration agreement with the Beis Din of HaRav Avraham...


Declaration of the American Moetzes Regarding Emmanuel

Thank you to Rabbi Oberstein for forwarding this text: עש”ק, ו’ תמוז תש”ע. לרגלי העלילה הנוראה מאת בית משפט חילוני על אחינו היקרים החרדים לדבר ה’ בעיר עמנואל בארה”ק, שהובלו לבית סוהר על שמוסרים...


Sephardim Jailed for Bias Against Sephardim

Thank you to Shira Schmidt for doing the heavy lifting with her extended write-up about the more than 200,000 (police estimates, others exceeded 300,000) who demonstrated yesterday against Israel’s Supreme Court and its latest...


A Visit, A Memory and A Wish

There are few places on earth where the phrase “Shabbat Shalom” – “Sabbath of Peace,” introduced by the Safed kabbalists in the 15th century and used as a greeting by many Jews today – would fit so well.


Our People Do Not Know the Truth about You

A first-person account, from the always-excellent IMRA News Service: Emek Hospital saves a Palestinian boy from Jenin On Thursday, June 3, 2010, 15 year old Muhammed Kalalwe … noticed a deadly viper snake and...


Right of Return

It’s always edifying when bigots who have managed to elude full exposure for years suddenly slip and appear in full ingloriousness. Helen Thomas didn’t even need the alcohol that loosened Mel Gibson’s tongue and...

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