Category: Politics


Right of Return

It’s always edifying when bigots who have managed to elude full exposure for years suddenly slip and appear in full ingloriousness. Helen Thomas didn’t even need the alcohol that loosened Mel Gibson’s tongue and...


They Con the World

Especially for those familiar with “We are the World,” this is a must-watch video. This video was taken down by YouTube for a “Copyright Violation” after some 3 million views. Thanks to Ori for...



What would Haaretz readers do without haredim? In this Friday’s paper (23bIyar,May 7) there were at least six articles on haredim, five negative and one very positive. (Friday’s Haaretz attempts to be equivalent in...


The Mike’s Always On

The British election campaign just ended would seem an unlikely source for a Torah teaching moment, but there it was. One of the blows the Labour Party absorbed in the days preceding the election...


Sounds of Silence

I’ve been following with interest the back-and-forth between two veteran Torah activists who both have done so much for other Jews over their careers, R. Yaakov Menken and R. Dovid Landesman, and I’m amazed...


The RCA and Rabbi Avi Weiss

Upon consultation with its rabbinic leadership, Agudath Israel of America issued the following statement today: The leadership of the Rabbinical Council of America and Rabbi Avi Weiss have apparently reached agreement that Rabbi Weiss...


On The Passing of Rabbi Menachem Porush

Agudath Israel of America Statement on the Passing of Rabbi Menachem Porush Rabbi Menachem Porush was a giant within the world of Agudath Israel and beyond. The contributions Rabbi Porush made to the growth...


Egged and the Wheels of Justice

29bShvat 5770 Laughter broke the tense atmosphere of the Israel Supreme Court session on Thursday Feb.4 (20bShvat) when both sides, those in favor of gender-separated seating on Mehadrin buses and those against, reacted with...

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