Category: Jewish World


The Importance of Voting

As Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel put it in an email: The simple reality is that government officials look at which groups vote, and take their positions on the major issues of the day accordingly....


Liberalism Is Not Our Religion

Aryeh Rubin, managing director of The Maot Group and president of the Targum Shlishi Foundation, has an opinion piece in the NY Jewish Week bemoaning the new religion of liberal American Jews. He writes...


Academic Freedom In Action

Yediot Achronot declares, “The Education Ministry’s chief scientist, Dr. Gavriel Avital, was dismissed on Monday following a scandal-filled trial period of less than a year.” What was the great scandal? Did he embezzle money,...


Fine Fiction at Yediot

From the Yediot Achronot, we learn that “We yeshiva students barely study.” According to their report, an unidentified kollel student showed up in their offices and proceeded to spend an hour or two ragging...


IRAC by the Numbers

In a recent post, I asserted that IRAC — the Israel Religious Action Center, affiliated with the Reform movement — was spending its money fighting Orthodox Judaism, and failing to provide a full and...


The Internet and the Orthodox Teen

Yesterday evening, Baltimore was host to a sober and honest analysis of the risks posed by new technology for teenagers, especially Orthodox ones. And to give away the plot, the conclusion was that the...


Wrong Team on the Wrong Field

Another confrontation is brewing, as Israel’s Education Minister intends to reduce funding to schools which do not teach a “core curriculum” — including Charedi schools, despite recent tests in which Charedi students demonstrated superior...

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