Category: General


Can Jews Be Antisemites?

A few months ago, I asked Natan Sharansky if he thought Jews could be antisemites. He looked at me like I had just claimed to be Elvis, emerging from a few decades of quiet...


Reform Youth –Cont’d

I just had a look at the full text of the statement of Reform youth leaders, not just the parts that have been widely quoted. It is not only the ready acquiescence in Amnesty...

A Great WordPress Feature

With WordPress, you can change the time stamp on your messages as you write them — and they won’t be published until you want them to be. All I need to do is check...


A Night at the Opera

OK, it wasn’t the opera. I don’t do opera. Kol isha, and all that. It was really the Hollywood Bowl, and the LA Philharmonic. I don’t do that too often either (the last time...


Grisha’s Choice

A few days ago, I posted a piece about Grigory Perelman, the Jewish mathematician who solved the Poincaré conjecture. One of our readers, a Russian-Jewish mathematician of considerable attainment himself, sent me a private...


When the Faithful Succumb to Temptation

An editorial in Friday’s Wall Street Journal regarding a new campaign of the Internal Revenue Service raises an alarming issue for religious communities. It reports that the IRS has newly expanded its Political Activity...


Relativism Knows No Bounds

Many readers may have missed the following news item, which, to my knowledge, appeared in the JTA Daily News Briefing but almost nowhere else: Close to 50 Reform youth leaders urged the movement to...

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