Her Future on an Index Card
By Rifka Wein Harris I was annihilated by an index card. On it, it said: Mommy, what can a frum girl be? It was handed to me by my otherwise confident mini me. A...
By Rifka Wein Harris I was annihilated by an index card. On it, it said: Mommy, what can a frum girl be? It was handed to me by my otherwise confident mini me. A...
Right off the bat, let’s get one thing straight: It’s pronounced something like “gutter,” with the stress on the first syllable and the “g” a bit harder than the one in that English word,...
If you have to spend time on one presentation about the topic, this one is my recommendation. If you want the juicy inside story about the Lakewood scandal, or a whitewash of it, or...
The announcement by Attorney General Jeff Sessions brought some comfort to people in our community embarrassed by the recent Lakewood arrests. Some 421 people in 20 states, including 50 physicians had been arrested for...
(This article appeared in Times of Israel.) Two weeks ago, Reform, Conservative and Federation leadership sounded the alarm about the now-delayed Conversion Bill, falsely presenting it as an assault on non-Orthodox and diaspora Jews: (N)on-Orthodox Jews...
Something recently reminded me of one of the many lessons I was privileged to be taught by Rav Yaakov Weinberg, zt”l, who served as Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore. As an...
The tune that Nero fiddled while Rome burned was a sprightly, engaging one, I always imagined. Something upbeat and distracting, that took little effort to offer pleasure. Like many others, I have a harder...
By Alexandra Fleksher In his latest Voice in the Crowd column entitled “In Her Place”, Sruli Besser does what no other chareidi columnist has done before: he recognizes how it must feel for Orthodox...
The statement by the Lakewood Vaad came quickly, and expressed succinctly and effectively what had to be said. “We are saddened beyond words by the arrests of seven couples in our town. As firm...
Although my thoughts on the apparent collapse of the Western Wall Compromise Plan are all pretty much contained here (along with a link to Rabbi Wein’s important article about the Conversion Bill – please read...
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