Category: General

Gezunt or Glucophobia?

Have you been following the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s advice to drink three cups of milk a day, to get enough calcium and vitamin D? No? Good for you. Multiple studies show that there...

Veiter Simchos

My brother, a rebbe in Yeshivas Ner Yisroel’s Mechina high school, and his wife, the daughter of the legendary Menahel Rav Yosef Tendler, z”l,were recently blessed with two new grandsons. Both were named Simcha...



Going once, going twice….On Nov.9 an unusual auction will be held in Manhattan, at the Kestenbaum auction house. Today, Wednesday Nov.8 (19bHeshvan) is the last chance to see the pre-auction exhibit of the most...



If you mention “Balfour” to many young people today, they will assume that you mean what the umpire calls out just before permitting a batter to take first base. (Sorry, folks. Baseball is still...


Anniversary, Martin Luther!

Sure, something is missing in the title. The word “happy.” Couldn’t bring myself to write that. Read on. You’ve heard the story before, but it continues to elicit chuckles. The Jew, humming to himself,...

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