Category: General

Developing Jewish political story

Forward’s Eve Kessler has an interesting piece (“Food Fight“) today about a letter from Religious Action Center’s (Reform movement’s DC office) David Saperstein. If I had to guess, I’d say it sounds like some...

Oh, now I get it…

So, for those keeping score: Abbas – the guy who wants to be the Palestinians’ president – says he won’t take up arms against Palestinian terrorists because they are freedom fighters and have the...


Jonathan doth protest too much

Jonathan, with all respect to your friend, the blog Time named best blog of the year (Powerline) and my own favorite blog (Nat’l Review Online’s “The Corner”) both follow the format we’re now adopting....


Democracy vs Halacha

A reader writes: The topic you broached, the disengagement plan, will be the subject of of a conference at Bar Ilan Univ. on Tuesday (23 bTevet). �The Disangagement Plan: Democracy versus Halakha?� (4-8 pm,...



My good friend Moshe Koppel, a professor of computer science at Bar Ilan University, just called to tell me that it is a serious mistake to shut off reader comments. I had already reached...

Now wait just a minnit!

The two of you just staged this, in order to make it look like the Orthodox aren�t quite as monolithic as people were led to believe. Right? Monolithic, Menken? Monolithic?!? Are you mad? My...

Staying on track with the Loco-motif

As best I can tell, my post had absolutely nothing to do with your response, YA. But let’s address your issue: In every policy discussion, the disingenuous (but often effective) way to ignore the...

Loco Loco

The two of you just staged this, in order to make it look like the Orthodox aren’t quite as monolithic as people were led to believe. Right? My suspicion is you’re both totally in...

Bizarro-world II

What on Earth are you talking about?!? My post was to point out the inconsistency (and liberal nuttiness) of a state (your state) insisting on parental notification before a 17-year old girl goes to...

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