Category: General

Staying on track with the Loco-motif

As best I can tell, my post had absolutely nothing to do with your response, YA. But let’s address your issue: In every policy discussion, the disingenuous (but often effective) way to ignore the...

Loco Loco

The two of you just staged this, in order to make it look like the Orthodox aren’t quite as monolithic as people were led to believe. Right? My suspicion is you’re both totally in...

Bizarro-world II

What on Earth are you talking about?!? My post was to point out the inconsistency (and liberal nuttiness) of a state (your state) insisting on parental notification before a 17-year old girl goes to...

In Loco Parentis Gone Loco

Harumph! You’ve got it all wrong, Jeff. The problem is not the willingness of the State to fill in where parents are derelict. As observant Jews, we should be the last to rail at...

From the Four Corners of the Earth

There’s a developing phenomenon out in the world, which in some ways parallels the “Baal Teshuvah movement” of Jews from non-religious backgrounds rediscovering their Jewish heritage. Groups that apparently have Jewish parentage — however...

Two Popes and the Holocaust

Perhaps we can�t always determine guilt from a distance. I learned long ago that criticizing other faiths is fraught with danger. We often lack some of the pieces. Despite what I intuit, I am...


Readers Respond

Well, it seems like leaving out the “Comment” link at the bottom of each entry gave the wrong impression — or, perhaps, we gave the right impression, and people don’t like it. Here are...


Where We Stand

By any measure, the new Cross-Currents is off to an extremely strong start. In the last several days, an article about us appeared in the Baltimore Jewish Times, and was picked up by several...

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