Author: Jeff Ballabon


Wendy Shalit in the NYTimes Book Review

Here is the link to Wendy Shalit’s insightful essay in the New York Times Book Review about the depiction of charedim in contemporary fiction. I had posted it here, but concerns have been expressed...


The Road Ahead

JB: Daniel Pipes ventures into unknown terrain in today’s New York Sun. Gets most of it right, some of it wrong – but generally is correct that the Jewish political demographic is changing rapidly....


On Ethics and Blogging

Although I am neither a lawyer nor a journalist, I’ve worked pretty extensively in and around the worlds of lawyering and journalism. A common element to both fields is the existence of specialized rules...


With the Author’s Permission:

THE DISPUTATION: Abdicating Our Priestly Duties By David Klinghoffer January 21, 2005 It’s tempting to let last week’s Prince Harry Nazi-uniform episode pass from memory as a moment of meaningless comedy. Tempting but wrong,...


Getting it Straight

Shawn Landres wrote in to criticize the piece about media silence in the face of certain Muslim countries’ rejection of Jewish/Israeli aid for tsunami victims. I thought he missed the point, so didn’t post...


Today, A Random Act of Kindness

PLEASE DAVEN FOR ESTHER MALKA BAS SARAH I’m at the Emergency Room. I look around. Everyone should come here, I think, to remember how insignificant the imperatives of life can become in the blink...


Nanny Nanny Kishkes

A reader writes: I always find it somewhat hypocritical when Chareidi apologists�talk critically about the �nanny state� when so much Cholov Yisroel milk is paid for with WIC… Silly ad hominem swipe. When and...


Irate, But Essentially Accurate, No?

Lost in the flare-up over precisely what the Catholic paper wrote or meant to write, is the deafening silence everywhere else: J’ACCUSE..! source: subscriber/commentator Mike Levine =============================================================== I, Mike Levine, citizen of Israel...

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