Category: General

By special request

The following is posted by special request, and is most relevant to those in NY, NJ, PA, DE and MD: Dear Rabbonim, I am involved in a Tzedaka organization, Kesser Kavod, based in Lakewood,...


More on the Danish Cartoons

I’m afraid I must disagree with my friend Shira Schmidt and my hero Rabbi Moshe Grylak (in the current issue of Mishpacha) with respect to their analysis of the Danish cartoons. Asking whether free...


Exercise Your Brain

According to studies reported in Tuesday’s Washington Post, both mental and physical exercise are good for preserving the health of the brain. A research review published in the journal Psychological Medicine found that people...


Bringing Up Kids and the Iranian Bomb

A student of the Talmud will often attempt to avoid the frustration of an apparently academic Talmudic dispute by identifying practical legal ramifications. One of the more common areas of Jewish law in which...


Meir Soloveichik Takes on the Issues

Meir Soloveichik is quickly becoming a daring and competent defender of Torah in America’s most difficult forums. I cannot think of anyone else who regularly takes on the hostile skeptics and academicians of the...


Between Jews and Moslems

Tens of thousands of Moslem rioters around the globe successfully proved the point of the caricature in a Danish paper of Mohammed with a bomb-shaped turban. The “religion of peace” has been seized by...


Another Don’t-Miss Article

Evie Gordon, in the Jerusalem Post, addresses the violence perpetrated by the teenage protesters at Amona. One of the most troubling elements of the violence at Amona two weeks ago was the argument that...


Time is Money

This is a must-see video clip. The Rabbi who insisted that I view it (Rabbi Ezriel Munk, of TorahLinks in New Jersey) said that his phone was ringing off the hook afterwards; students of...


“Freedom of Expression” as idolatry

Apropos the issue underlying the Moslem fury at the irreverence embodied in the Danish cartoons, I have been thinking a great deal about the limitations that Jewish tradition places on the way we express,...

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