Category: General


Comparing our troubles to theirs

Reader Eliezer Barzilai wrote: Many Americans were horrified by our Supreme Court’s transparently politically motivated decision in the presidential election. It was the Florida Supreme Court, attempting to throw the election to Al Gore,...


Civil Liberties and the Disengagement

Also from SHARING THE PAIN, Hamodia, August 5, 2005 THE SUFFERING OF THE GAZA RESIDENTS is only part of the tragedy. Another aspect is the sustained assault on civil liberties resulting from the disengagement....


More on Disengagement

From SHARING THE PAIN, Hamodia, August 5, 2005 Agudath Israel of America published last week “A Call to Share the Pain of Acheinu Bais Yisrael,” which called on all Jews “to pause and share...


A Rosh Yeshiva on Disengagement

[This is the second time in as many entries that I find myself posting shortly after another who is greater in chochmah (wisdom), who wrote something that everyone should see. I just hope that...


A Tale of Two Worlds

Rav Moshe zt”l repeatedly referred to American as a medinah shel chesed – a country of lovingkindness, particularly when it came to being hospitable to traditional Jews. Sitting with the Los Angeles Police Commissioner...


Truth in Announcing

This morning, President George Bush performed a “recess appointment,” bypassing the Senate confirmation process and sending John Bolton to the United Nations. The politics of this could be discussed ad nauseum, and preferably not...



Rarely have I felt that a piece of mine was so misunderstood as the one from Mishpacha Magazine entitled “Trauma Ahead” posted a couple of weeks ago. More than a few readers accused me...


Getting it Exactly Wrong

Several days ago, Rabbi Adlerstein commented regarding the deleterious effects of television, and wrote that children whose classmates were free of its influence could perceive the difference between themselves and other children even in...

What the Times Considers a Burning Issue

Speaking, as I did in my last post, of the failures of democratic institutions, albeit in an entirely different vein, the following is an unpublished letter of mine to — you guessed it —...

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