Author: Yitzchok Adlerstein


Simon Wiesenthal

There are so many ways to appreciate and cherish the work of Simon Wiesenthal, who passed away last week. Although one of my jobs is with the institution that bears his name, I don’t...


Feeling is Important

Is it plausible that the expulsion from Gaza may have yielded some unforeseen benefit? I can’t help but feel that, to some degree, things backfired for the left. Some of its pundits described it...

We Toil, and They Toil

This item, from David Bedein in Efrat, more than speaks for itself. A newsworthy side-bar to the funeral of the four Israeli Arabs who were killed on the bus in Shfaram in Thursday was...


A Tale of Two Worlds

Rav Moshe zt”l repeatedly referred to American as a medinah shel chesed – a country of lovingkindness, particularly when it came to being hospitable to traditional Jews. Sitting with the Los Angeles Police Commissioner...


Television and Children

The current issue of the Columbia Journalism Review provides independent confirmation of positions taken by two of the favorite people in my life – Rav Moshe Feinstein zt”l and my youngest son, Akiva ....


How Do We Measure Up?

There are things you can’t learn from books. You’ve got to learn them from lawyers. Strange as this seems, it is supported by Maharal. At least the first part. Maharal on Avos 2:9 (according...

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