He Finally Got it Right
In a strange reversal of the career of Yochanan Kohen Gadol (who went bad after 80 years – see Talmud Berachos 29A), an illustrious British philosopher has foresaken atheism at the age of 81
In a strange reversal of the career of Yochanan Kohen Gadol (who went bad after 80 years – see Talmud Berachos 29A), an illustrious British philosopher has foresaken atheism at the age of 81
News of Arafat�s death a few weeks ago was met with�confusion. No one shed any tears, but people were unsure as to whether Jews ever celebrate the death of anyone.
After four years of the intifada, many of us continue to get hood-winked by the media, myself included. I am one of those who does not refuse to acknowledge that our side is capable...
If celebrity endorsements count for anything, Chanuka is in good shape this year. After decades of listening to non-Orthodox rabbis voice their doubts about the miracle of the oil (after all, why should it...
A colleague at Loyola Law School, who happens to be the President of the Board of the Southern California ACLU, was surprised when I told him that Jewish Law had Blackstone beat by hundreds...
In a column in Scientific American (Nov., pg. 34) appropriately enough called �Skeptic,� Michael Shermer (publisher of a journal that bears that name) tells us what is wrong with the recent spate of scientific...
A few weeks ago, a colleague (Rabbi Yitz Etshalom) and I agreed to appear on a radio program called Focus on the Mideast. The station is ultra-leftist (Marxist would be more accurate); the host...
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